Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 10 AM to 7 PM
patient monitoring system

Patient Monitoring System

The patient health monitoring system provides novel data-driven biomarkers, optimized work processes, and patient-centered care models by automatically and continuously recording and translating vital sign data into real-time predictive clinical information..

Mindray’s highly-reliable and efficient patient monitoring system actively contributes to this novel shift by timely providing and installing high-grade patient monitoring equipment like Multiparameter monitors in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare institutions all over India.

Models Available

  • BeneVision N22/N19
  • ePM Series

Automatic Controlled Anasthesia

ACA can improve anesthesia stability and reduce cost thanks to low-flow anesthesia technology. State-of-the-art technologies that address the needs of clinicians during the entire perioperative period, allowing them to administer accurate, stable and safe anesthesia to patients, while minimizing the risks of human error, reducing workload, and lowering the environmental impact from the operating room.

Variants Available :

  • A - Series
  • WATO - Series


Unique bubble generating system provides consistent and accurate delivery of CPAP to the patient. Find the right Ventilator for your adult, pediatric and neonatal patients from our intelligent range of Mindray Ventilators. Ventilator system is designed by experts based on clinical requirements and professional guidelines to assist medical professionals in making critical decisions. Mindray’s medical ventilators are state-of-the-art with aesthetic design, high-level functionality, and quick and efficient operation.

Variants available :

  • SV - Series
  • NB - Series

Infusion System

Safe medication is crucial to patient safety in the infusion therapy. And there are several factors that could significantly affect it. Those are safety, ease of use and flexibility.

The Mindray Infusion system delivers an extraordinary user experience, safer and advanced medication technologies, as well as a more efficient workflow management solution.

Variants Available :

  • BeneFusion e Series
  • BeneFusion u Series
  • BeneFusion 3 Series
  • BeneFusion S Series
infusion pump

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

An automatic external defibrillator machine is developed to help first-time rescuers confidently perform adequate SCA resuscitation. This medical equipment is available in both semi-automated and fully-automated version.
Mindray provides various automatic external defibrillator solutions in India. The primary goal is to help everyone in our country get access to proper equipment for their healthcare needs.
Mindray’s AED is an innovative piece of equipment created with the user in mind. This device provides voice prompts to the user along with animated coaching instructions making it easier to follow and revive the person in need. In addition, these automated external defibrillators are also equipped with QShock technology that increases the chance of success, delivering the first shock in less than 8 seconds.

Variants Available

  • BeneHeart C Series AED
  • AED Alert System

Defibrillation System

Time is of the essence for patients suffering cardiac arrest who need defibrillation, as their survival rate can decline rapidly with each passing minute. Studies have shown that rapid defibrillation can be a powerful factor in the successful resuscitation of these patients. Whether in hospital or a non-clinical environment, shortening the time of defibrillation can potentially improve the survival rate for these patients.

Variants Available :

  • BeneHeart - Series
  • PHEIS Solution


The 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS recommendations have new ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) criteria that now depend on both age and gender. In addition, the patient’s race, medication history, etc. will also affect the results of an ECG interpretation. The physiological structure of newborns and infants is slightly different from that of adults - the right ventricle is larger and thicker than the left ventricle. Therefore, a special algorithm for pediatric use is required to provide more reliable and accurate diagnoses.

Variants Available

  • BeneHeart R12
  • BeneHeart R3

Endoscopic Products

Mindray comes with best quality with high resolution Endoscopic Camera System & All the necessary endoscopic instruments.

Variants Available :

  • BeneHeart - Series
  • PHEIS Solution
operating tables

Operating Tables

operating table is always the base of different surgeries. To meet the increasing demand of high-level safety and complex procedures, Mindray provide a full-scale range of products, covering every operating room and budget. With large weight capacity, outstanding function and various accessories, we are suitable for countless surgeries such as general surgery, urology surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, bariatric surgery and more.

Products Available

  • HyBase Series
  • UniBase Series
  • Accessory Solution

Surgical Lights

With ergonomic and compact design, Mindray HyLED series provide premium illumination performance, integrated with high-end technology, eye relaxing design, active shadow management function, electrical light field adjustment function, variable color temperature, innovative 4K & wireless camera system.

Variants Available :

  • HyLED 7 Series
  • HyLED X Series
  • HyLED 200 Series
surgical lights